Ask the CEO: Jim Benney, CAE
Jim Benney, CAE, CEO, National Fenestration Rating Council, answers questions from NFRC member Catherine Best.
What is your primary goal for NFRC, and how will you pursue it over the next five years?
My primary goal is to continue to improve the programs we offer. Specifically, our Product Certification Program needs improvement in both how the data is gathered and processed and how it is offered for consumption (our Certified Products Directory). Our commercial fenestration rating product needs significant software improvement and a major rebranding effort. My team and I are constantly evaluating, organizing resources, and communicating with our board of directors new ways to manage and improve our programs. Over the next five years, through improved decision making and utilization of new technology, we will achieve our goal.
As CEO of NFRC, have you ever made a decision you regretted later? How did you recover from it?
Yes. When we were developing the software for our commercial fenestration rating tool, we used our consensus- based committee of volunteers to develop the business needs for the software. Software development is not something that can be done by committee, especially one made up of volunteers with varying agendas. We learned quite a bit from our mistakes and now have better practices in place for software development.
What inspires you as you go about your day?
I find inspiration in so many things: The beauty and glory of the world around me and my wife and family inspire me to no end.
(NFRC Staff Photos)