Monday Buzz: The Next Era of Digital Collaboration
Digital workplace collaboration tools are here to stay, one top strategist says. Plus: why you should perform a media consumption audit.
In an intriguing post for ZDNet, Adjuvi Chief Strategy Officer Dion Hinchcliffe writes about digital collaboration strategies for 2015.
Collaboration has become a vital part of a knowledge worker’s day-to-day job, and new collaborative models in the workplace have been “found to create high levels of differentiation and leverage to business operations,” says Hinchcliffe, who you may remember from the 2012 ASAE Technology Conference & Expo, where he delivered the closing keynote.
But recent innovations in collaboration have focused on simpler tools and techniques, he says.
“Over the last few years, in sharp contrast to the consumer world, email has continued to be the top ‘social’ tool of choice in the workplace,” Hinchcliffe writes. “This is largely because workers already know how to use it, it’s simple, and it still lets workers collaborate with anyone that has an email address—unlike many corporate social tools, even today.”
Unfamiliarity is one of the biggest challenges facing collaboration advocates, and so is taking collaboration to the next level.
“Those usually in charge of digital collaboration may be in a strong skill position to deliver these capabilities to the workforce, for example, but aren’t in a position of responsibility or experience to shift the organization to the next plane of collaboration, such as collaborative economy or global solutions networks,” Hinchcliffe writes.
Read his full post to get his take on the path forward
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