Internet Traffic

Wednesday Buzz: Preventing a Traffic-Drop Freakout

Hold off on sounding the alarm when your association's internet traffic takes a dip and learn how to cope. Plus: building a war room for your next event.

Last month we looked into how you can better understand the various metrics available via Google Analytics. And if you’ve taken the analytics dive, you may have noticed a drop in traffic. How should you react when your charts start to look worrisome? Pierre DeBois, founder of digital analytics consultancy Zimana, explores that question in a guest post on CMSWire.

First, DeBois recommends that you diagnose exactly what kind of traffic decline has taken place. Is it a sharp decrease or a gradual one? Each has different causes that require different responses.

For example, when looking at gradual changes, “start examining the Channel reports to gain a comparison of basic traffic sources—search, direct, and referral,” he writes. “If referral seems to be a considerable makeup of the visitor traffic, use the referral reports to highlight referral sources that may be a culprit.”

There’s no single solution to any problem that your analytics may reveal, but knowing how to identify and analyze a traffic plunge puts you on the right path toward reversing it.

“If you find yourself in that position, you’ll discover new ways to keep traffic arriving to your site or app,” DeBois writes.

Webinar Alert of the Day

It’s great to see your list of volunteers grow, but how many of them are staying with and contributing to your organization after a few weeks or months? Tobi Johnson, president of nonprofit consulting firm Tobi Johnson & Associates, will lead a free webinar with Wild Apricot on April 16, focused on “converting volunteers from joiners to stayers.”

Other Good Reads

Your next event needs a war room.” So declares a guest post from Guidebook, Inc. content marketing manager Jordan McArthur. Why should you build one? He explains in full on the Event Garde Blog.

So long, Internet Explorer. The browser, which has been a staple of Microsoft’s software suite for nearly two decades, is headed for the dustbin of history, soon to be replaced by an as-yet-unnamed successor. Verge reporter Tom Warren has more details.

Thinking about fostering a culture more accepting of remote work? Nick Francis, cofounder and CEO of customer-support tool Help Scout, shares some tips in a guest post on Inc.


Morgan Little

By Morgan Little

Morgan Little is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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