Thursday Buzz: LinkedIn’s Big Online Education Buy
LinkedIn's purchase of Lynda.com could help make the social network a key resource for online professionals looking to amp up their skill set. Plus: Time to look back at your New Year's resolutions.
Not interested in the potential of online education? LinkedIn has 1.5 billion reasons why you should start caring.
The business social-networking giant has snagged the online education site Lynda.com in a deal worth that much. The cash-and-stock acquisition, announced Thursday, is expected to be finalized later this year.
“Together, I believe we can make it even easier for professionals around the world to accelerate their careers and realize their potential through the learning and development of new skills,” LinkedIn Head of Content Ryan Roslansky said in a statement.
Lynda.com offers online educational videos and courses in web development, graphic design, business, and more. Executive Chair Lynda Weinman cofounded the subscriber site with her husband, Bruce Heavin, in 1995.
“This is a moment in history when people can learn anytime, anywhere, and with no boundaries,” Weinman wrote in a LinkedIn blog post. “We are thrilled to be part of something bigger than ourselves and look forward to helping more people learn the skills that are needed in today’s rapidly changing economic landscape.”
This acquisition will help connect companies and job seekers to skill-building services.
“The combination of LinkedIn and Lynda.com is the kind of fit that benefits everyone,” LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said in a blog post. “LinkedIn has the members, the jobs, a unique understanding of the skills required to do those jobs, and a publishing platform that can be accessed by roughly 350 million people to share professionally relevant knowledge.”
Resolution Check
Circling Back on 2015 Goals: How’s Your #Association Doing? – http://t.co/PqHQUOxUJA #assnchat #smassn pic.twitter.com/ALuSuApp3q
— MemberClicks (@MemberClicks) April 9, 2015
Now’s a good time to check your New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you and your organization need to look back at your January goals and to see how you’re doing so far. It is, after all, more than a week into the second quarter of the year.
Associations should be detailed, enthusiastic, and optimistic in refocusing on the year’s goals, Callie Walker at MemberClicks suggests. She also recommends setting regular reminders and asking for help when needed.
“By looking at your goals daily, you’ll be reminded of where your organization is headed,” Walker said. “And, more importantly, what needs to happen today.”
Good luck! (ht @MemberClicks)
Other Resources to tap
YouTube can be a huge service for nonprofits. But how should they use it for best results? At SocialFish, contributor Matthew Yeoman offers several subscriber strategies.
Let’s be productive! There’s a way to stop procrastinating—tell yourself that if you’re lazy now, you’ll also be lazy later. That may be the jump-start you need.
“Risk shouldn’t be snuffed. Instead, it should be navigated.” If your association is lacking innovation, CMSWire contributor Dan McAuliffe suggests pushing for more optimism and a “culture of ‘yes.'”
(Lynda.com screenshot)