Conference Circuit: On the Rocks
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists will head to Colorado’s capital city for its Annual Convention & Exhibition.
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists will head to Colorado’s capital city for its Annual Convention & Exhibition.
Geologists and energy professionals from around the world will make Denver home for a few days to learn about how the changing economy, new technologies, recent discoveries, and international events are modifying the energy landscape.
Association: American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Conference: AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2015
Venue: Colorado Convention Center
The AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2015 (ACE) begins Sunday with a presentation on the history of petroleum geology. A handful of experts will discuss the industry’s beginnings as well as their predictions for the future. Here are three other notes on the event:
Sightseeing. Attendees can register for one of 13 field trips to see classic Rocky Mountain geology. One will visit the petrified forest and paleontology lab at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, while another will explore Denver’s mountain front.
Rock, paper, scissors. Every conference needs to have some fun and games mixed in. ACE has attendees covered on that front with an icebreaker reception; a lunch with Simon Winchester, a New York Times bestselling author of geologically themed books; and its annual awards ceremony.
On display. New this year is the AAPG Research Showcase. Scientists and researchers will exhibit current or proposed research projects that are applicable to finding and producing oil and natural gas. Its goal: encourage cooperation between like-minded scientists and connect researchers with prospective industry or government sponsors.
Visit Facebook, Twitter (#ACE2015), and Google+ to keep up with the meeting’s latest happenings.