Extreme Pet Grooming: One Association Tracking the Trend
As a globally recognized certification body for pet groomers and their salons, International Pet Groomers, Inc., is privy to myriad trends happening in the industry, no matter how wacky. Workshops around the country help keep the group and its members up-to-date.
It’s a very well-known fact that we love our pets. The American Pet Products Association reported earlier this year that the industry saw $58 billion in spending in 2014—a record high—with expectations that 2015 could be even bigger.
But it’s not all squeaky toys and Milk-Bone treats.
We’re focused on trying to protect pets and help groomers do a better job and be more successful in their business.
Some new grooming trends that started in other parts of the world are making their way to the U.S., including, shaving your pets into cubes and accessorizing them with wigs. (We’ll pause while you take a moment to scroll through the images in those links.)
And whether you think those pets’ coifs look ridiculous or adorable, the art has a name: extreme grooming or Asian Fusion, according to Linda Easton, executive director of International Professional Groomers, Inc.
IPG, a globally recognized certifying body for pet groomers and their salons, tracks different trends in the industry—including extreme grooming—to help members stay current, Easton explained in an interview with Associations Now. But the art itself doesn’t exactly fall under the purview of the group’s certification program.
“We’re geared more toward how people handle the pets that come into their salon rather than any of the extreme grooming styles that are out there,” she said. “We try to certify them and help them with safety and sanitation issues. We’re more focused on trying to protect pets and help groomers do a better job and be more successful in their business.”
IGP’s certification program includes a number of different tracks like Salon Professional, Professional Groomer, and, new in 2015, the Advanced Professional Groomer. The group also recently introduced an intensive Masters Certification Track that allows IGP-certified members to take their training to the next level, according to the group’s website.
To help spread the word about its offerings, IGP regularly hits the road to offer in-person workshops across the country. The classes help connect certified groomers with other members of the industry, and as a result, are another way for the association to stay current on industry trends, Easton said.
“We’re on our way home right now from a tradeshow—we spent the last four days at a tradeshow and workshop in New Jersey,” she said. “We travel all over the country certifying groomers and going to these industry shows in order to stay current on what’s going on. And it’s just a great way to connect face-to-face with our members.”