Monday Buzz: The Jobs the Robots May Steal
A new study finds which jobs and industries are most likely to be disrupted by the next wave of computerization. Plus: Don't just exist on social media. Distinguish yourself!
“The debate about whether machines will eliminate the need for human employment is no longer just academic,” BBC technology reporter Jane Wakefield declares in this story about automation that may have you looking at your computer a bit more suspiciously.
Citing predictions by the Boston Consulting Group that by 2025, one-fourth of jobs will be automated and a Deloitte/Oxford University study that found 35 percent of UK jobs are already at risk, Wakefield explores which fields and industries are already feeling the impact of intelligent machinery.
If you think the fight between taxi associations and Uber has been intense, just wait until driverless cars enter the fray. And medical organizations have already seen the potential for assistance, and replacement, from robotic aides. And while the results of robotic surgery have yet to achieve perfection, “eventually, when outcomes demonstrate that this is the better option, patients will demand to see the attentive robot, not the overworked doctor, for a fraction of the fee,” author and futurist Jerry Kaplan writes.
And if it’s not included in Wakefield’s story, you can type your job or association’s field of interest into this interactive feature the BBC has put together to discover the likelihood your position will be automated in the UK. Agricultural and fishing workers, for example, should brace themselves, with a 79 percent likelihood of automation.
Marketing Survey of the Day
When it comes to social media, it’s not about just existing on a platform. Instead, as nonprofit marketing expert Geoff Livingston writes in this blog post, success lies in establishing a distinct presence, and he cites this CMO Survey to back his claim.
Other Good Reads
Not everyone sees Flash’s demise as a surprise. As Wall Street Journal reporter Nathalie Tadena writes in this story, many advertising agencies have already been preparing for the technology’s dwindling relevance.
Remember Google Books? The legally contentious project by the search giant has long been the focal point of a challenge from the Authors Guild, and now, New Yorker contributor Tim Wu has an update on the project’s status.
Want to get to know your Instagram audience? SocialFish‘s Maddie Grant explores Demographics Pro’s new suite of tools to discover who is actually engaging with your association’s presence on the platform.
(JD Hancock/ThinkStock)