Halloween Trends: Kids Get More Candy, Parents Pilfer Less
While families put the finishing touches on costumes, a new survey says this Halloween kids are more likely than ever to bring in a candy haul and keep it for themselves. An association of dental insurance plans has some tips for keeping the tooth-decay demons at bay.
This weekend, kids will head out for a night of tricks or treats in hopes of bringing home a bucket full of sweets. And although the kids will bring home the candy, mom and dad still plan on helping them eat it.
At least that’s what 66 percent of parents are confessing, according to a study from Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA). Luckily for kids, that’s less than in 2013, when 80 percent of parents admitted to raiding the stash. Be on the lookout for Mom, though: She’s more likely than Dad to get caught with her fingers in the candy bowl.
With parents increasingly staying away from the candy, youngsters are in for a sugar-ridden holiday—especially as more parents are planning to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters this year. Since 2013, the percentage of parents ready for visits from little princesses and superheroes jumped from 73 to 78 percent, DDPA found.
Good news for those with a penchant for candy corn or gummy treats: Over the years, the percentage of parents handing out chocolate has dropped. But chocolate still remains the favorite, as 59 percent of parents plan to pass it out to trick-or-treaters this year.
DDPA, a nonprofit organization with dental insurance company members, offers some tricks for protecting healthy smiles after the sugar overload:
- Eat a full dinner before trick-or-treating to leave less room for sweets.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and wash away the sugar.
- Indulge your sweet tooth after meals for better, natural teeth cleaning.
- Brush and floss to keep the dentist away.