
Friday Buzz: Organizations Celebrate World Food Day

Local and international groups contribute to ending world hunger. Plus: Is your organization using its employees to the fullest?

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. In honor of the group’s landmark anniversary, organizations around the world, including 60-plus from the United States and Canada, have joined FAO in celebrating World Food Day, a “time to raise awareness and encourage action to end food insecurity around the world,” writes one of the participating groups, Heifer International.

Contributions have come in all shapes and sizes. The Church World Service has partnered with local organizations in Haiti to build cisterns and drill wells to help take the stress off of farmers during the drought.

“On the occasion of World Food Day 2015, we hope that water and food will no longer be luxury items in Haiti,” CWS wrote in a news release.

Other groups have taken to spreading a call to action. For example, OxFam America is asking people to sign a petition, imploring Congress to pass the Global Food Security Act of 2015 to help support struggling small-scale farmers.

FAO also will be holding a World Food Day Expo to garner support for “The Zero Hunger Challenge” from representatives and students from around the world.

Tweet of the Day

When it comes to sharing a great photo on social media, getting into the nitty-gritty aspects can give organizations a real headache. Buffer has responded with Pablo 2.0, a photo-editing program that will help make your event photos ready for any media platform.

Other Good Reads

Many organizations say that they underutilize their employees. Forbes contributor Jack Zenger examines the reason why and what organizations can do to fix it.

When it comes to leadership, hope for the best but plan for the worst. A surprising number of organizations are underprepared when it comes to succession planning. See how your organization can make sure it’s ready, just in case.


Eli Zimmerman

By Eli Zimmerman

Eli is studying Journalism at the University of Maryland. When not studying, he likes to relax with a nice book or a couple rounds at the local boxing gym. MORE

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