
Associations USA: Illinois

Associations are everywhere. Here’s a snapshot from the Prairie State.


Total number of registered nonprofit organizations

Source: National Center for Charitable Statistics


Total number of employees at professional societies and business associations

Source: BLS Data


Number of sporting goods stores in the U.S., according to the Illinois-based NSGA’s most recent Sporting Goods Store Census

Source: National Sporting Goods Association

National Retail Hobby Stores Association (Wheaton)

Air Distribution Institute (Hillside)

Association of Science Museum Directors (Springfield)

Coin Laundry Association (Oakbrook Terrace)

American Orthopaedic Association (Rosemont)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (Chicago)

American Osteopathic Association (Chicago)

International Society of Arboriculture (Champaign)

Source: Associations Yellow Book (Summer 2015)


Associations Now Staff

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