Best Benefit Ever: Cheaper Re-Ups for Venues and Promoters
A new association, created to protect UK nightclubs, is working to prevent a sophomore slump.
What is it? The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) formed in 2015 after a series of prominent UK clubs shut down, putting the nightlife industry in a precarious spot, particularly in London. NTIA has worked to help the industry by highlighting the benefits of nightclubs and venues, including employment and tourism, through research, partnerships with similar groups, and dialog with U.K. leaders. But, as all associations know, advocating for an industry takes more than a year, so NTIA is offering a reduced renewal fee to members to keep the association’s mission alive. Depending on the size and location of their venues, members can expect their renewal to be reduced by £200 to £375 ($283 – $542). The discount is the result of a partnership between the association and the viral marketing and ticketing app I’m In.
Why it works: Regardless of the renewal rate, members want to know their association is working hard and getting results. So, the partnership between I’m In and NTIA isn’t just to lower the re-entry barrier for members; it’s also aimed to expand NTIA’s influence. Through the partnership, NTIA hopes to spread its reach to I’m In’s vast database of nightlife audiences, which falls in line with NTIA’s 2016 goal of expanding its lobbying efforts to protect the U.K.’s clubbing industry from future closures and challenges.
Other benefits: The research commissioned by NTIA is worth mentioning again, given how quickly it has gotten off the ground. Take, for example, the report Forward into the Night (PDF), which offers a clear picture of nightlife’s importance to the U.K. economy. Spreading information like the industry’s share of the GDP (6 percent) is central to the NTIA’s mission and the benefit it offers members.
(Michael Blann/ThinkStock)