Conference Circuit: Hey Dude
The Dude Ranchers’ Association 2016 Convention rode into Cody, Wyoming, earlier this week
The Dude Ranchers’ Association 2016 Convention rode into Cody, Wyoming, earlier this week.
Dude ranchers from the Western United States and Canada are currently in Wyoming to exchange ideas about how to continue exceeding the highest hospitality standards within the industry and how to promote the Western ranch vacation.
Association: Dude Ranchers’ Association
Conference: 2016 DRA Convention
Venue: Holiday Inn
Location: Cody, Wyoming
The 90th Annual Convention of Dude Ranchers’ Association began on Wednesday evening with welcome receptions for new member ranches as well as attendees and vendors. Also in the saddle:
Fun for all. The convention’s programming includes plenty of opportunities for fun, with a ‘50s and ‘60s-themed dinner at Bud’s Drive-In Sock Hop (prizes for best dressed will be awarded), a special reception at the Educational Trust Museum, and dining and dancing at the historic Buffalo Bill’s Irma Hotel.
Celebration of its roots. This year’s meeting marks DRA’s 90th anniversary and will serve as a kickoff for a yearlong celebration. But the meeting location is also a nod to DRA’s history: The association was founded in Cody in 1926 after Wyoming was the first state to offer vacationers the opportunity for a nostalgic frontier experience.
Attracting new guests. Dude ranches not only need to continue to maintain high hospitality standards, but they must also get new people excited to take a dude ranch vacation. To address the latter, the meeting will offer sessions about marketing to millennials and using social media to engage potential guests.
Mosey along with the meeting from the comfort of home on the usual social spots: Facebook and Twitter.