Friday Buzz: Association Art Directors Make Bank
A new report from Folio magazine indicates that the job of art-directing an association magazine may be getting harder, but it pays well. Also: How often should you market via different channels?
For magazine art directors in the association world, there’s a bit of a silver lining inside an otherwise dire new report.
Folio magazine’s “2015 Art & Production Salary Survey,” whose results were released Friday, found that art directors for association magazines received significantly higher compensation than their counterparts in the consumer and business-to-business (B2B) publishing spaces. The average base salary for association art directors in 2015 was $77,600, nearly $7,000 more than an art director at a consumer publication was likely to make and nearly $16,000 more than an art director at a B2B. In addition, other forms of cash compensation were significantly higher for association art directors ($17,300 on average, bringing total compensation to $94,900) than the industry as a whole ($4,700 on average).
The level also reflects a significant shift in fortunes for the association space. Two years ago, art directors at consumer magazines made more in base salary than their association counterparts.
The overall study, however, was a bit more negative in its findings, with respondents as a whole sharing mixed feelings about compensation—especially in light of the additional duties they’ve been asked to take on in a time of staff consolidation.
“I think I’m paid okay for the market, but have taken on a lot of new things. Being print centric, I am happy to continue to be employed,” a production director told the magazine.
The study also touched on issues of gender gaps in the publishing industry, as well as geographic differences in pay.
A Matter of Frequency
As a nonprofit marketer, how often should you touch your various communication outlets? This little infographic from Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog, based on the site’s “2016 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report,” offers a nice reminder of the differing frequencies needed for different kinds of communication.
Other Links of Note
If you’re running Windows 8 on your PC, you should probably upgrade to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 ASAP. ZDNet‘s Ed Bott reports that, thanks to a quirk in the software’s update cycle, Microsoft won’t be offering support for the touch-centric version of Windows beyond next week.
If at first you don’t succeed … Last year, Twitter cofounder Biz Stone shut down his follow-up app, Jelly, after it failed miserably at finding an audience. But that failure isn’t stopping Stone from trying again, as his latest Medium post reveals.
Mark J. Golden, FASAE, CAE, the executive director of the National Society of Professional Engineers, has a lengthy resume of association experience. What’s his best piece of advice for working with volunteer leaders? He shares it over this way.