Country Land and Business Association

Best Benefit Ever: Making the Pitch to Landowners

Having difficulty explaining your benefits? Here's how the Country Land and Business Association presents its perks in an easy-to-understand manner.

What is it? The U.K.-based Country Land and Business Association (CLA) brings together a diverse real estate community. From country-house owners to farmers to rural professionals, a number of constituencies have joined the organization, bringing with them their unique challenges and concerns. So how does CLA communicate its value to current or prospective members? By clearly outlining instances in which membership could aid a property owner, regardless of the purpose of the property. For each of its eight member categories, CLA makes a pitch for why an individual should join the association. Just scroll down those pages and you’ll see what CLA has to offer specific types of landowners.

Why it works: Benefits are often presented as a glorified list of bullet points. But there’s a big difference between stating a benefit and, as CLA does, explaining how it applies to a member’s specific problem, such as country-house property rights, employment issues, or compulsory purchases.

Other benefits: CLA also has some more general offerings, including healthcare programs, insurance, and utility-negotiation assistance.

(Sarah Babineau/StockSnap)

Morgan Little

By Morgan Little

Morgan Little is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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