Thursday Buzz: What Your Kids Think About How You Use Social Media
A study reveals what the younger generation expects of their elders when it comes to technology. Plus: Complain away, it’s OK.
The ways in which our social media use can interfere with our relationships was one of the hotter topics at last year’s ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition, thanks to a provocative closing general session by psychologist Sherry Turkle.
Now, a new study suggests that, by and large, our kids may agree with her.
According to the study [PDF] by researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Washington, kids are serious and sensible about the kinds of social media rules they’d give their parents.
The study—which included children ages 10 to 17, from 249 families, discussing the technology rules they have to live by—flipped the conversation by asking the kids how they believe their parents should handle technology.
Kids’ rules for their parents included being present in a given situation, using technology in moderation, and not using a device while driving, among other issues. And they wanted their parents to follow the same rules they set for their kids.
It used to be a lot easier to control technology usage in the home, the study noted.
“Managing kids’ technology use was once much easier for parents,” said Alexis Hiniker. “They switched off the television when a show was over or kept an eye on kids as they used the family computer in the living room.”
But the new world of ubiquitous technology has raised concerns for both sides of the parent-child relationship.
The Benefits of Complaining
Complaining is the worst, right? It’s annoying to hear, but for the complainer it can be productive and effective to vent. But Kristin Wong at Lifehacker says the method of complaining matters. See what it’s all about.
Links for Your Day
Don’t expect journalists to stay objective. Pulitzer Prize winner Steve Woodward tells CBC News that authenticity is a more important trait these days, so journalists might throw out an opinion here or there.
Nabbing a hotel room at a major event can be tough. And “room block pirates” can make matters worse. Virtual’s Association Management Blog tells you how to protect your next meeting from housing scams.
Ephemeral mobile app Snapchat is getting away with being difficult for older folks to grasp. Despite alienating part of its potential audience, the business is worth $16 billion. Max Chafkin and Sarah Frier dove into the Snapchat business for Bloomberg Business.