Wednesday Buzz: Post-Party Planning
Putting time and energy into supporting your event after it's over can pay huge dividends for your organization. Also: A reminder that every employee comes with a price tag—something you'll have to budget for.
Events come and go, and a lot of event planners will take a load off and close the file on an event almost immediately after it ends.
But is that the right move? The event marketing firm Bizzabo doesn’t think so. In a recent post on the company’s blog, David Epstein, Bizzabo’s content marketing manager, offers a number of steps to maximize the good vibes a successful event has won your organization.
In particular, the company points to how the annual TED Talks conference succeeds in extending the lifetime of its event long beyond the handful of minutes each speaker is on the stage.
And that, Bizzabo says, can be translated to your own association.
“Your speakers delivered great presentations and sessions,” Epstein writes. “Why not make them available on your company website, or on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video sharing sites? Shorter, highly shareable recordings can be uploaded to social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram to raise awareness of what you’re doing and to direct traffic to other properties.”
Be sure to check out the post for more tips.
Budget Breakdown of the Day
It’s not always easy thinking in terms of dollars when making a decision about how much employees should be paid for all their hard work, which makes this Vanity Fair clip a great watch.
It reads like a credits roll for a film, but instead of showing names, it shows a price tag for every person involved in the making of a hypothetical $200 million film.
Think you can consider your own office in terms of a price tag and the budget involved in making that price tag work?
Other Links of Note
Does Snapchat have a role in public-policy strategy? Over at SocialFish, Mike Panetta of the Beekeper Group says yes.
Medium is the cat’s meow these days, but is there room for a competitor focused on the enterprise alone? Secret founder David Byttow thinks so, and his new app, Bold, tries to make the case.
Trying to get productive? It may be about what you don’t do, says blogger Jocelyn K. Glei.