Conference Circuit: Parliamentary Procedure
The National Association of Parliamentarians’ 2016 National Training Conference begins in Colorado late next week.
More than 500 parliamentarians from around the world will be in Broomfield, Colorado, next week to ask questions, share ideas, and make connections that will contribute to moving the profession forward.
Association: National Association of Parliamentarians
Conference: 2016 NAP National Training Conference (NTC)
Venue: Omni Interlocken Hotel
Location: Broomfield, Colorado
NTC will open on Friday, August 26, with a luncheon where attendees will hear from both the NAP president and its treasurer about the association’s priorities, activities, and finances. That will be followed by a plenary session that will discuss the future of credentialing for parliamentarians. Also on the agenda:
Next generation. As a way to welcome young parliamentarians into the fold and encourage them to continue their parliamentary education, NTC will host its 4th National Youth Day. Student parliamentarians from the various organizations NAP partners with are being invited to participate in this year’s conference through education and networking events.
Give back. The Sparkle and Shine Twilight FUNraiser on Friday evening will support a worthwhile cause: NAP Educational Foundation education grants. For the $40 ticket price, attendees can nosh on light hors d’oeuvres, participate in a round of speed networking, and cast the winning bid on one of the many items up for auction.
Better leaders. Prior to the meeting, attendees can take part in the NAP Leadership Conference. This interactive, day-long officer training will focus on the development of leadership skills. Attendees will explore and discuss current theories of leadership, as well as examine and practice officer duties.