Friday Buzz: Down With Performance Reviews?
Consultant Jamie Notter breaks down why dropping the ever-unpopular performance review is harder than it sounds. Also: How should you think about hiring in the on-demand economy?
The performance review is starting to fall out of style, with some large companies getting rid of them entirely. Is that something your association should do?
In an analysis of the trend, consultant and author Jamie Notter says the benefit is often minimal at best, considering the large amount of time spent on the process.
But, he notes, “if you get rid of performance reviews, you still have to find a way to solve the problem they were intending to solve in the first place.” You still have to properly compensate people, fire people, and develop skills.
Perhaps, he suggests, the process should be divided—not that it’s going to be easy. “If you have one process that does these three things at the same time, it is guaranteed to fail,” he says.
Check out Notter’s post on Association Success for more on this topic.
Rethinking Hiring
Association Hiring in the On Demand Economy https://t.co/dYKPyRUtOU #assnchat pic.twitter.com/Zq6MrhAfW0
— Aptify (@aptify) September 8, 2016
In an era when people often can effectively do their jobs remotely or offer their services piecemeal, the on-demand economy raises some important issues that organizations are going to have to figure out.
Over at Aptify’s blog, client success manager Ben Lee breaks down a few important considerations when embracing the on-demand economy at your association.
Other Links of Note
The end of the year is sooner than you think. And if you’re trying to drive some fourth-quarter donations, now’s the time to prepare, says nonprofit strategist Kerri Karvetski.
In the midst of its new product announcements, Apple made changes to its AppleCare program for iPhones, including a deal that allows users to get a broken screen fixed for $29. But, as Gizmodo notes, it comes with a catch.
Here’s a question that oughta raise some more questions in your organization: Should you pay your board members? Nonprofit Quarterly takes a look at the issue.