Best Benefit Ever: A New Perk
The National Coffee Association launches a career center for people who see a future in roasted-bean juice—and for the employers that want to hire them.
What is it? The National Coffee Association’s (NCA) new Coffee Career Center is designed to give members a central spot to find or highlight new opportunities in the coffee trade. The career resource will be centered on a job board, but it will also include information for job seekers and employers alike. (Sample article: “5 Ways to Build a Bold Crew.”) Job postings on the site will be free during the site’s launch period.
Why it works: The concept is not just a job board with the addition of coffee puns—it also helps solve a significant problem in the coffee sector. That is, job boards are poorly suited to specific niches like coffee. “For employers, a posting on one of the large all-purpose job boards—the monstrosities—usually triggers an avalanche of resumes,” NCA’s Bill Murray (not that Bill Murray) writes. “The breadth of these sites, coupled with a ‘one touch’ function for respondents, often buries hiring managers with responses, many of which don’t match the skills being sought.” The issue is fraught with trouble for employers, too, because coffee-specific positions are hard to find, and they get buried in listings for towns with coffee-themed names. (Really.)
Other benefits: NCA offers a wide variety of perks (sorry) designed to keep its members at the top of their roasting game. The association has a member discount program, along with monthly data reports and a weekly e-newsletter.