Monday Buzz: The iPhone Anniversary and the Ultimate Keynote
Ten years ago today, late Apple cofounder Steve Jobs gave the most important speech of his career. And it changed everything. Also: why a stadium could be a good event venue.
“This is a day I’ve been looking forward to for two and a half years.”
On this day 10 years ago, Apple cofounder and CEO Steve Jobs—jumping ahead of necessary Federal Communications Commission filings that would have stolen his thunder—unveiled the iPhone, a device so revolutionary that most phones sold in 2017 are inspired by the touch-based design Jobs introduced at the Moscone Center in San Francisco on January 9, 2007.
While there were rumblings of a phone announcement before the event, the details were vague, making the news a genuine surprise. Jobs, meanwhile, took advantage of the attention he had that day, explaining in simple terms where the company had come from and its goals for the product. Jobs described it as a “widescreen iPod with touch controls,” a “revolutionary mobile phone,” and a “breakthrough internet communicator.”
Jobs had jokes, at one point showing off an iPod with a rotary dial. He pointed out that many smartphones of the era were complicated to use. And he pinpointed the problem: There were too many buttons on those phones “that are there whether you need them or not.” He mocked the fact that many of these devices offered a stylus when most people already have 10 of them (also known as fingers). In the end, Jobs revealed Apple’s new device with a touch screen instead of buttons.
The speech was a milestone not only because Jobs introduced a revolutionary device that day, but also because he explained a complex concept so clearly. It was probably the most important keynote speech of Jobs’ storied career, and he delivered. Here it is, if you’re looking for something special to watch today:
It’s nearly an hour long, but it’s a genuine masterwork of presentation.
Thinking Really Big
10 great reasons why you should host your next #event at a #stadium… https://t.co/nG2DQjPRbT #eventprofs #meetingprofs pic.twitter.com/M94cbPpDOA
— Venuelior (@venuelior) January 5, 2017
There are some pretty cool conference centers out there, but what if you’re trying to do something that stands out? That might be a good time to consider a stadium as a venue. Venuelior’s Gemma Wright makes the case that stadiums are generally good fits for such uses and that they can be found in many cities—especially in the U.K., where many towns have their own soccer venue.
Other Links of Note
Treat your blog as more than a blog. Social Media Today suggests thinking a little bigger—that your blog should really be a brand publication.
Sort your emails by deadlines. Zach Hanlon, a marketing pro, makes the case at Fast Company that emails should be organized based on required response time. He outlines a method.
Speaking of email, Eric Lanke, the president and CEO of the National Fluid Power Association, in response to a recent Associations Now article, argues that we should stop treating messages as events.
Steve Jobs, shown presenting the iPhone on January 9, 2007. (Dan Farber/Flickr)