Monday Buzz: Overcoming Membership Software Migration Challenges
Before you migrate your membership data to new software, make sure you're fully prepared. Also: Don't let a cybersecurity hack force you out of a job.
Managing a software migration process can be difficult, and it shouldn’t be done without rigorous preparation, especially considering how vital and sensitive membership data is to your organization.
In a new post, the Aptify blog warns of four possible migration obstacles and how to overcome them.
First, make sure you have identified data points that you want transferred to your new software—membership information including name, ID number, company, and address, for example.
“The more data you have, the more time it will take for you and your colleagues to review it, decide whether it stays or goes, and get it cleaned up for migration,” writes Jennifer Barrell. “And the more time it will take your software vendor and/or implementation partner to map that data to the new system (know where it’s ending up), convert it, and test it once it’s in there.”
To keep the project under control, Barrell recommends putting a time limit on old data. Consider transferring only data that goes back five years or so.
Once you’ve determined what data you’re migrating, you’ll need to prep it for conversion, accurately configure the new software, and clearly define roles of the migration team.
What CEOs Need to Know About Cybersecurity
Getting serious about #cybersecurity is now part of a CEO's job security. https://t.co/wfZly9nFXI #assnchat pic.twitter.com/r22s5Z3wOR
— DelCor (@delcor) May 1, 2017
Could a cybersecurity hack get you fired? Technology consulting firm DelCor shares several cybersecurity fundamentals that all CEOs should be aware of to help keep their organization safe.
If you don’t already have it, consider obtaining cybersecurity insurance to cover your association in case of a breach. Also, develop a full understanding of existing security measures, compliance requirements, and applicable state and federal laws.
And make sure all employees are trained in cybersecurity best practices. “Lead by example. Show up for every training session and follow every security policy—if the word gets out that exceptions are made for you, you’ll never establish a culture of security.”
Other Links of Note
Nurturing relationships. The Event Interface blog shares several ways to maintain connections after a meeting.
Find meaning at work. Help your employees feel fulfilled by creating a purpose-driven culture with these tips from Inc.
Are you overestimating the value of email? The Professional Convention Management Association reveals a common misconception about the effectiveness of communicating via email.