Conference Circuit: Dairy Science
The American Dairy Science Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting will begin on Sunday in Pittsburgh. Around 1,700 will be in attendance.
More than 1,700 dairy scientists will make their way to Pittsburgh in the upcoming days to share their latest research with colleagues, hear about new science programs, and network with old and new friends.
Organizations: American Dairy Science Association
Conference: 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting
Venue: David L. Lawrence Convention Center
City: Pittsburgh
Following preconference workshops, the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting will kick off on Sunday evening with an opening keynote by Ethan Schutz. He’ll talk to attendees about how to navigate the human side of business. Also worth noting:
Go digital. In addition to traditional poster sessions and displays, presenters are encouraged to upload a digital version of their poster. For the first time, posters can be viewed at any time during the meeting at specially designated kiosks located in the lounge area of the exhibit hall.
Play ball. The local MLB team, the Pittsburgh Pirates, is partnering up with ADSA to offer discounted tickets to attendees to watch Tuesday night’s game against the Tampa Bay Rays. The best seats in PNC Park are up for grabs for only $35, while other ticket options include merchandise credits or a ball cap.
Test your smarts. University teams from across North America will compete in the ADSA Student Affiliate Division Dairy Quiz Bowl. The event gives schools an opportunity to demonstrate their students’ knowledge of dairy production, processing, and ADSA history. In the final round of competition, the top two schools will go head to head for the title of “2017 Dairy Quiz Bowl Winning Team.”
Follow the meeting on Twitter using the official conference hashtag, #ADSA2017.