Executive Summary: Joe Lindahl, MA
Joe Lindahl, MA, the senior operations manager at the Association Management Center in Chicago, is trying to limit his screen time this year.
My three goals for 2017
1. Exercise a little more patience
2. Less screen time, more book time
3. Volunteer in my local community
Who i’m following on Twitter
@TheAtlantic @mcsweeneys @amyjcuddy
If I weren’t doing this, I’d …
… be a Chicago sportswriter.
The best advice I ever got
Never stop improving.
My media mix
Music: Queen, Chance the Rapper, Norah Jones, Stevie Wonder, Kendrick Lamar
TV: Anything from Judd Apatow, Master of None, Silicon Valley
Podcasts: This American Life, Pod Save America, Jalen and Jacoby
Publications: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Runner’s World
What I do when I’m not at work
Try to improve my toddler-level French, run, travel.
On my desk right now
Strategic plan, last year’s conference program guide, StrengthsFinder, a large cup of coffee
(Callie Lipkin)