Membership Hack: Renewal Contest
To encourage quick renewals, the U.S. Personal Chef Association holds a monthly contest with a chance to win next year’s membership for free.
How to hack it? Giving the membership renewal process a competitive edge is a recipe for success for the U.S. Personal Chef Association. Any member who rejoins USPCA before the middle of the month automatically is entered into a contest to win free membership for the next year (a $325 value), and one winner is selected each month
“It’s an amazingly simple and popular contest,” says Angela Prather, USPCA’s membership and partnership manager. “Our chefs are very competitive people, and it helps to incentivize them to take action.”
Why does it work? USPCA members renew their membership on a rolling basis at the end of each month, and chefs typically wait until the eleventh hour to renew. A string of reminders to pay dues isn’t the best way to get their attention. “As small-business owners, chefs are busy people running a business, so we try to be considerate of their time and give them a reason to act,” Prather says.
What’s the bonus? When members wait until the last minute to join up again, it’s difficult to predict monthly renewal numbers. The contest is an easy way to engage members early and account for renewals weeks before the end-of-month deadline.
(AlexeyGorka/iStock/Getty Images Plus)