Newly Launched Digital Therapeutics Alliance Gets Quick Start
The Digital Therapeutics Alliance, first announced this week, hopes to build standards and research around the budding healthcare technology field. The group already has a strategic partnership ready to go.
As technology becomes more essential as a form of therapy, a new alliance of health startups hopes to be out front.
The Digital Therapeutics Alliance, which announced its launch Tuesday, hopes to assist companies working on software to help manage diseases and even replace existing medical tools. DTA is also working with a bevy of partners in the medical, manufacturing, and academic spaces—and even with patients—to create regulatory frameworks and encourage research into the industry.
This is important because digital therapeutic technology faces the same kind of regulatory requirements as both medicine and traditional medical devices.
Eddie Martucci, the CEO of DTA founding firm Akili Interactive, noted that such an alliance could make certain that the right steps are taken to ensure long-term uptake of the technology.
“Digital therapeutics are rewriting our definition of medicine. It’s critical that industry, academia, government, and the medical community work together in the next phase of medical adoption,” Martucci said in a news release. “We’re excited to drive this effort alongside other leaders who share our dedication to rigorous clinical validation and organizational excellence in product development. It is truly a new class of medicine.”
Other founding members of the alliance include Propeller Health, Voluntis, and WellDoc.
The group can already count a strategic partnership under its belt. DTA announced Wednesday it would work with the Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHAlliance) to leverage some of the older group’s existing infrastructure and resources.
“We are pleased to partner with the Digital Therapeutics Alliance to combine our resources to advance the field, galvanize key stakeholders, focus on developing standards of quality, and work towards improving health outcomes through this newly developing subdomain of personal connected health,” PCHAlliance Executive Vice President Patty Mechael said in a news release.
(kizilkayaphotos/iStock/Getty Images Plus)