Investment Management Group Puts Strategy Focus Into Revamp
The Investment Management Consultants Association, which changed its name to The Investments & Wealth Institute last month, says that it’s doubling down on what it’s already done well in its rebranding.
Along with a new name, the former Investment Management Consultants Association is tightening the gears on its strategy.
The Investments & Wealth Institute, a group that focuses on education offerings for investment and wealth management professionals, says that it’s jumping into a revamp, announced last month, as a direct result of a strategic plan it announced earlier this year. Scott Thayer, the association’s chairman, says that while the group is in a position of strength, there is room to do more.
“For over three decades, our organization has been at the forefront of investment and wealth management education, and the expectation for advanced knowledge and professionalism in the industry is rising,” Thayer said in a news release. “We’re here to meet that growing need.”
The association’s strategy, called GEARS (Grow, Educate, Add Value, Relevance, and Standards), is focused on expanding its education offerings, credentials, and the industry at large.
And with the rebrand came a number of announcements on new initiatives, including a broader collaboration with the Yale School of Management that will create an online version of the group’s Certified Private Wealth Advisor Certification Program; the acquisition of the Retirement Management Advisor credential from the Retirement Income Industry Association; and an investment in the association’s technology, including its websites and online learning platforms. (That includes a new website for the renamed group, expected to launch later this month.)
Investments & Wealth Institute CEO Sean Walters emphasized that these changes underline the work the existing group has done.
“Since 1985 we have established and enforced high standards for advanced practitioners, delivering premier education that offers a unique blend of Ivy League-level expertise and practical application,” Walters emphasized. “The Investments & Wealth Institute will continue to enhance the competency and professionalism of advice delivered to the public.”
The group currently has more than 12,000 members in 38 countries.
The group calls its strategy "GEARS." (bernie_photo/iStock/Getty Images Plus)