
Thursday Buzz: Re-Signing Event Sponsors

Don’t miss these tactics for getting event sponsors to re-sign for next year. Also: The key to employing a better team may come down to changing your interview style.

Event sponsors are great to have but can be difficult to get. How can you make sure that you’re making the best of the ones you already have?

The Event Manager Blog shares several tips for getting sponsors to re-up, including starting to make the case for renewal early. “If your event is a multiday event, begin compiling data on attendee reaction and ROI for that sponsor before attendees are even onsite,” says the post. “Chart social media mentions of your sponsor and any other interaction ahead of the event and continue it throughout the entire time at your event.” This data may be enough to get the sponsor to sign up again for next year.

Another simple way to avoid the rush for new sponsors every year is to sign them up for multiyear contracts. Entice them to do so by offering early-bird discounts. “If someone’s willing to give you sponsorship money before they leave your event, they deserve an incentive,” writes the post. “This incentive could be a discount or prime choice of spots next year or any other much in demand bonus.”

Build a Better Team

A too-easy hiring process may be stopping you from building the best team possible.

It’s not enough to simply talk during an interview. Try getting your hires to perform a real-life task they’ll be doing on the job, suggests Jackelyn Ho in a new post for Inc. If you’re hiring a designer, ask them to design something for you during the interview.

Why make the interview process harder? Ho points to a recent Glassdoor survey that says, “A 10 percent more difficult job interview process is associated with 2.6 percent higher employee satisfaction later on.”

Other Links of Note

Are LinkedIn Groups still a thing? The Mizz Information blog is skeptical about their long-term prospects.

As sexual harassment accusations continue to make the headlines, Harvard Business Review considers the economic impact of harassment.

When do you start promoting your events? Informz shares what association promotional timelines look like.

(marekuliasz/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Raegan Johnson

By Raegan Johnson

Raegan Johnson is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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