Monday Buzz: Why Negative Feedback Backfires
A study in the Harvard Business Review sheds new light on the value (or lack thereof) of peer-to-peer reviews. Also: smart questions nonprofits should ask themselves about how they use technology.
Many organizations use peer-to-peer reviews to provide employees with honest and critical feedback, but a new study of one organization reveals that negative feedback from a colleague often doesn’t lead to improvement.
“When people in this organization received what we call ‘disconfirming feedback,’ they would try to move away from the coworkers who had offered it, and they would look for new and different relationships,” says Paul Green, one of the authors of the study, in the Harvard Business Review. “And the more negative feedback they received, the further the employees would go to forge new networks.”
While some may view negative feedback as constructive criticism, Green contends that it’s often seen as a psychological threat. “There’s an assumption that what motivates people to improve is the realization that they’re not as good as they think they are,” he says. “But in fact, it just makes them go find people who will not shine that light on them.”
Green says employees need to be assured that they’re valued and seen positively, and negative feedback needs to be delivered in that context to have a beneficial effect.
Tech Strategy
Good Qs… adding a few favs – Is my organization setup for my strategy, including the tech? What might our business model look like 5 years from now? What if websites became extinct? https://t.co/yUjw8khWBA
— JP Guilbault (@JPGuilbault) January 7, 2018
Is your organization using technology efficiently? BizTech Magazine shares advice for planning how best to use technology in 2018, including making sure you’re building the right tech team and identifying your priorities.
Also ask yourself a few key questions to help define your goals. Consider how technology is helping to advance your mission. What tech project could be a game-changer in your effectiveness?
“The goals should define the nonprofit’s primary technology issue or need, any IT barriers the organization faces, and how the nonprofit will improve by addressing those issues,” writes Phil Goldstein.
Other Links of Note
Despite all kinds of emerging workplace technology, CMSWire reveals why email remains the top collaboration tool.
Don’t miss out on any cause awareness days this year. Nonprofit Tech for Good shares a long list of 2018 public holidays and awareness and giving days.
Keep your organization’s data safe from theft. eWeek offers eight data security tips.
(bayhayalet/iStock/Getty Images Plus)