California Hospital Group’s New Partnership Equips Patients With Data
Teaming with two groups focused on improving the quality of healthcare, the California Hospital Association announced this week plans to launch digital dashboards with relevant health information. The goal of the endeavor is to boost patient safety.
The California Hospital Association wants to boost its transparency and reduce medical errors, and it’s found just the right partners to help.
This week, CHA is teaming with the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) and the Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) on the creation of a digital dashboard tool that’s intended to keep information on hospital safety numbers both up to date and publicly accessible.
“We are pleased to be able to support this important work,” CHA President and CEO Carmela Coyle said in a news release. “As a result of this collaborative effort, the quality of care for patients will continue to improve across our state.”
The quality-of-care data points that the partnership will initially focus on include central line-associated blood stream infections, surgical site infections, C-section birth rates, sepsis mortality rates, and venous thromboembolism. The information provided will highlight the hospitals’ use of evidence-based treatment approaches. In addition, the dashboard will be built to be easy-to-read and will be distributed to every hospital in the state.
And unlike other approaches, which tend to go as much as two years without an update, the data will be updated quarterly, per Modern Healthcare.
“Patients and the public will be able to access important, up-to-date information on the continuous improvement of patient care provided by California hospitals,” noted Julie Morath, the president of HQI, in the release. The group was founded with the goal of improving patient safety in California and is backed by a number of regional trade groups.
The groups hope, with the endeavor, to cut down on the 200,000 people in the U.S. who die from preventable causes each year, a key cause of PSMF.
“We applaud California hospitals for taking the bold steps necessary to no longer simply hope for ‘zero,’ but rather to plan for ‘zero’ and achieve the goal. We believe California hospitals will become the safest in the nation,” said that group’s founder, Joe Kiani.
(enotmaks/iStock/Getty Images Plus)