Thursday Buzz: Get Your One-And-Done Members to Stick Around
A little recognition goes a long way when it comes to creating reasons for one-and-done members to stay for a while. Also: Why one big change can sometimes be less disruptive than many small ones.
Member retention is a big problem for a lot of organizations, especially when those members join for a single reason.
And when that reason is gone, so are they—making them the stereotypical “one-and-done members.”
What can you do about that? Over at MemberClicks, Krissy Conant has some thoughts on the issue, but one that might help convince those newcomers to stick around is the idea of public recognition.
She writes: “Member or not, people like to feel appreciated for their hard work! If your one-and-done member joined for a standalone event, you need to make sure that you recognize them in a public format so they can associate that praise with the work they did for your association.”
Conant also recommends keeping an early eye on lack of engagement, reminding members of the benefits they receive, keeping a two-way line of communication open, and leaning on your organization’s membership committee.
More Change, Less Disruption
Lessons learned by Vimeo's new CEO, Anjali Sud #TNW2018 https://t.co/24EVCwqXdE
— TNW (@thenextweb) May 24, 2018
Getting pushed up the leadership ranks quickly can be pretty daunting, no matter what organization you’re in. Because of that, the story of Anjali Sud, the new CEO of the video-sharing platform Vimeo, really stands out.
Sud, who only joined the company three years ago, spoke to The Next Web about how she managed to gain control of the company—and drive it to new levels of growth—by moving quickly and making big changes. Those changes involved focusing more intently on its creator audience, but also pushing those changes through quickly.
This, she says, was necessary, as it limited the amount of workflow disruption.
“It may seem better to implement change slowly over time, but it’s not. If you do that, your employees have to constantly adjust, settle in, and then readjust,” Sud said at the website’s annual conference on Thursday.
Other Links of Note
Food for thought. Why aren’t associations mentioned in the education conversation as much as other options? Jeff Cobb of Tagoras offers some thoughts on the issue in a new blog post.
Social network shutdown of the day. After 16 years of serendipitous link sharing, StumbleUpon will stumble upon a shutdown on June 30.
Rein in the trolls. If your organization is facing problems with negative comments online, this post from Social Media Examiner offers some good insights that your association might want to borrow. Key phrase: “Hug your haters.”
(Devonyu/iStock/Getty Images Plus)