Career Coach: Bounce Back
Five ways execs can build their resiliency muscles.
Resiliency is a hot topic in organizations today because of life’s inevitable challenges. The stakes are high: If you can’t find ways to manage these challenges effectively, they can seriously harm your executive presence by affecting your health and well-being.
This leads to poor concentration, anxiety, impaired decision making, lack of creativity, and self-doubt. In my experience coaching executives, I’ve noticed that successful leaders do five things consistently build their resiliency muscles:
Identify circles of control. Resilient people focus their energy on things that they have control or influence over, rather than things or situations out of their control, and they accept circumstances that cannot be changed.
Nourish relationships. Resilient people rely on others for support during times of stress and adversity, both at work and at home. Developing a good support network of colleagues, friends, and family can help lessen the impact of stress.
Clarify boundaries. Resilient people set and honor boundaries. By knowing what is OK and what is not OK to them, they put themselves in control and are able to influence the circle of people around them.
Care for yourself. Self-care is critical to resiliency. This requires people to clarify what they need and to identify what self-care is most important to their well-being—even at the expense of helping others.
Take time to recover. Resilient people take time to fully recover—not just to cope with stress but to truly stop and recover after times of great adversity. Recovery periods give people the ability to start over and try again.
(michelangelus/Getty Images)