Conference Circuit: Financial Builders
The Construction Financial Management Association’s 2018 Conference and Exposition starts this weekend in Miami. Attendance is expected to top 900.
More than 900 CFOs and other top construction financial managers are headed to Miami in the upcoming days to learn from top industry experts; hear about the latest industry products, services, and tools; and connect with fellow members and thought leaders.
Organization: Construction Financial Management Association
Conference: 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition
Venue: Fountainbleu Hotel
City: Miami
Following mini-conferences on Saturday and a welcome reception on Sunday, CFMA 2018 kicks off on Monday morning with a general session featuring Robyn Benincasa, a world champion adventure racer and founder and CEO of the Project Athena Foundation. She’ll discuss why winners win and the common traits and attitudes among the world’s most consistent high performers. Also worth noting:
Challenge accepted. New this year is the CFM Challenge. Attendees will be divided into “companies” and role-play during this interactive, scenario-based game, which focuses on making the key strategic financial decisions that are required during the typical lifecycle of a construction project.
Money talks. Benchmarker 101 Sessions are confidential, 50-minute financial review meetings, performed by qualified CPA firm representatives, that cover everything from basic ratio discussions to more advanced analyses of the performance of attendees’ companies.
Bigger purpose. The year’s conference charity is Construction Angels, a South Florida nonprofit that provides financial services to immediate surviving family members of a construction worker who lost his or her life while working. Money raised at the meeting’s golf tournament and 5k run will support the organization.
Head to Facebook and Twitter (#CFMACONF) for other meeting details.
(AndreyPopov/iStock/Getty Images Plus)