Daily Buzz: Boosting Online Credibility
If your organization’s website doesn’t promote trust, it isn’t doing its job. The Bloomerang blog explains how to increase online credibility. Also: How Netflix is innovating board involvement.
In the age of fake news, building credibility is important—but not always easy to do. For nonprofits, credibility often starts online. But if your organization’s website doesn’t promote the expertise and knowledge it has, its digital identity might be lacking in the trust department.
To boost credibility, the Bloomerang blog offers insight on how to enhance your website to better tell stories, improve brand image, and establish trust.
For one, your organization has to understand what its members want from the website, and you do that through user testing. From there, keep it consistent, impactful, and updated.
How Netflix Keeps the Board Engaged
Interesting overview of how the @netflix board of directors are given a lot of internal access to perform their responsibilities—would this style work for #associations ? #assnchat @ASAEcenter https://t.co/auY5K6bfZB
— Meredith Bower Holt (@meredithholt) August 6, 2018
At some organizations, the board of directors can be notoriously out of touch. To get around this knowledge deficit, board members are often presented with curated information and data meant to clue them in on activities—but even that may not be enough.
Netflix takes an innovative approach with its board—one that Harvard Business Review says has been key in boosting the company’s numbers in recent years.
For one, board members are invited to sit in on monthly and quarterly senior management meetings. Although they can only observe—and not influence—decisions and discussions, Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings says providing firsthand access to those meetings “is an efficient way for the board to understand the company better.”
Another innovation revolves around communication: The board is given roughly 30-page narrative online memos that allow members to ask questions and comment within the file. The memos serve as a living document, full of links and supporting analysis, as well as access to all data and documents on Netflix’s shared internal system.
Netflix thinks these strategies give its directors better confidence in the decisions and happenings at the company. But what say you? Would similar tactics work in an association?
Other Links of Note
The #MeToo movement changed the marketing landscape. Event Marketer offers insights on how to market to women amid big social and industry changes after #MeToo.
Industries are always changing. Food Marketing Institute CEO Leslie Sarasin talked to CEO Update about how her organization adapted and thrived after ending its long-running tradeshow.
The need for a diverse team is well-established. But if managers aren’t promoting “cultural brokerage,” or facilitating interactions among different cultural backgrounds, a team’s diversity might still be inhibiting its potential, says Quartz.
(BernardaSv/iStock/Getty Images Plus)