Daily Buzz: Pinterest’s Positive Stability
After years of growth, Pinterest has stable impression and satisfaction numbers, according to YouGov research. That’s a big differentiator compared with other social networks. Also: an important piece of #ASAE18 news for Drake fans.
Pinterest—with its influx of craft and recipe ideas—has long been a social platform used for lifestyle inspiration. And after years of positive growth, Pinterest is reportedly going public next year.
So, where does the social platform stand among consumers? Is it a place your association wants to be?
Data from YouGov BrandIndex shows that public perception of Pinterest is largely unchanged since 2016—namely, the platform remains stable in both the brand impression and consumer satisfaction departments.
Pinterest’s impression score, which asks consumers whether they have a positive or negative impression of a brand, was at 13 in January 2013. (Scores range from minus 100 to 100, with zero being neutral.) Three years later, the score had more than doubled to 28. Since then, Pinterest’s impression score has maintained its position, though women rate the platform higher than men (42 compared with 14).
The platform’s satisfaction score follows the same pattern: It was at 9 in January 2013 and moved up to 22 in January 2016, where it remains today.
At a time when opinions of networks like Facebook and Twitter are wavering and Snapchat is losing momentum, leading associations in other marketing directions, Pinterest might prove a fairly stable Plan B.
Thank Us Later
For all of you wondering where Drake is, you can find him in the #ASAEfdn lounge in W470! #ASAE18 pic.twitter.com/Idr3YEQZU3
— ASAE Research Foundation (@ASAEresearch) August 19, 2018
You might remember, if you attended the 2017 ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition in Toronto, that there was a circulating rumor that Drake might appear at the hometown event.
Sorry to say, he didn’t show up at the Canadian conference, but he does make an appearance at the 2018 ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago—in painting form. A portrait of Drake and a painting of the Toronto skyline, both created during last year’s conference, are currently being auctioned off in the ASAE Foundation Lounge at this year’s event, taking place at McCormick Place through Tuesday.
The starting bid for each painting is at $100; among the other items offered through the silent auction are an array of electronics, including a Nintendo Switch.
(In case you’re wondering, a similar rumor about Chance the Rapper appearing at the Chicago event has yet to pick up steam, but it’s still early.)
Other Links of Note
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(Chayantorn/iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus)