Conference Circuit: Local Government Leaders
The International City/County Management Association’s Annual Conference begins next week in Baltimore. Attendance is expected to exceed 3,500.
Thousands of U.S. and international local government leaders, including city managers and budget analysts, are headed to Charm City in the next few days to learn about the innovative ideas and practical strategies they need to deal with the challenges facing the industry today.
Organization: International City/County Management Association
Conference: 104th Annual Conference
Venue: Baltimore Convention Center
City: Baltimore, Maryland
Following a welcome reception at the Maryland Science Center on Saturday evening, ICMA2018 starts on Sunday afternoon with an opening general session featuring bestselling author Daniel Pink. Drawing on research from psychology, biology, and economics, he’ll show that timing is really a science and discuss how unlocking the scientific secrets to good timing will help attendees flourish at work, at school, and at home. Also on the agenda:
Route guidance. Since there’s so much going on at the meeting, organizers put together a series of road maps, which suggest sessions for attendees to consider based on interest areas. Maps cover topics like community engagement, equity and inclusivity, workforce development, and smart communities.
Social snapshot. ICMA is launching the second edition of the #LocalGovGo photo contest at this year’s annual meeting. Using Twitter, participants will have four days to submit their photos that best illustrate networking at the event. The winner receives free registration to #ICMA2019 in Nashville.
Self-service. To make check-in quicker and easier, the registration area will feature self-service kiosk stations, where attendees can scan the QR code they received upon registration to print their name badges, tickets, and other materials.
Head to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (#ICMA2018) for other meeting details.
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