Daily Buzz: The State of Vacation Deprivation
Vacations help workers refresh and return to work more energized—but more than half of Americans aren’t taking them, and vacation-deprivation levels are at a five-year high. Also: Twitter’s plans to change its “like” feature.
If you’ve had a stressful week—or month—at work, it might be time to take a vacation. No, really. Vacation deprivation levels for American workers are at a five-year high at 59 percent, up 8 percent from 2017, according to Expedia.com’s annual Vacation Deprivation study.
But that’s no surprise when the number of U.S. vacation days awarded and taken are at a five-year low. Americans received 14 vacation days, but only used 10, which resulted in 653.9 million unused days in 2018, according to the study.
“One of the leading reasons people don’t use their vacation days is that they’re saving them for a big trip, which means they’re going longer and longer between vacations,” said Nisreene Atassi, global head of communications for Brand Expedia, about the study. “Bigger trips are great, but even a quick break can significantly improve quality of life. Aim to schedule a staycation or add an extra day onto a holiday weekend in between longer trips to get the best of both worlds.”
Saying Goodbye to “Like”?
Yikes. Hopefully if they do this they'll make bookmark work on desktop or I'll be totally lost. https://t.co/6yTIZ0aQ7h
— maggielmcg (@maggielmcg) October 29, 2018
The heart-shaped “like” button on Twitter might soon be a feature of yore. At an event last week, Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey said that he would get rid of the feature soon, according to The Telegraph. Twitter responded to the report in a tweet, saying, “As we’ve been saying for a while, we are rethinking everything about the service to ensure we are incentivizing healthy conversation, that includes the like button. We are in the early stages of the work and have no plans to share right now.”
Whether the “like” function stays or goes remains to be seen, but many users are skeptical of the move, per a story on Mashable.
Other Links of Note
Are the most productive leaders early risers? Fast Company breaks down 10 productivity myths you should ignore.
Keeping updated volunteer contact information means maintaining a healthy network of volunteers. The VolunteerMatch blog explains why outdated information wastes your organization’s time and energy.
No organization is exempt from a natural disaster. The Cox BLUE blog shares how to create a disaster-recovery plan.
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