Daily Buzz: Market Your Meeting on the Cheap
A robust event marketing campaign can be expensive—but you don’t have to have a big budget to succeed. Try these free strategies, from the Event Manager Blog. Also: embracing remote workforce culture.
You’ve planned out every last detail of your event, and now it’s time to plug in your marketing strategies to create buzz and boost registration numbers. But like other elements of a meeting, good event marketing can be expensive—and not all budgets are big enough to cover robust campaigns.
Luckily, there are ways to draw attention to your event without spending any money at all. The Event Manager Blog shares 122 ways to promote your event without a hefty price tag, including:
Start or contribute to a blog. “Blogging on your site is a solid way to convert visitors into attendees,” the team says. “They are already warm leads interested in something about you/your event.” Contributing to other industry resources also helps get your name out there.
Personalize, personalize, personalize. All event communication should be personalized to its audience. “Don’t send the same email to someone who’s attended faithfully for a decade and to those who have never attended,” the post says. For example, “create a special email for people who have attended in the past but missed last year. Let them know they were missed and you want to see them return.”
Create an online community. ”Offer the community special perks like discounted tickets or referral incentives,” the team says. “Seed the community with good content by asking speakers to participate by adding content and commenting on it.” After the event, keep the community going to get a head start on your next meeting’s marketing efforts.
The Remote Workforce Revolution
I don't think tech folks quite understand how pervasive remote work has become. It's not even a debate anymore, it's a full on revolution. Hard to do any recruiting these days and not constantly run into talented folks who will never go back to working in an office again.
— Max Lynch (@maxlynch) January 14, 2019
Working from home is no longer a one-off perk organizations provide from time to time. Nearly 70 percent of employees work remotely at least one day a week, while 53 percent spend half the week or more outside the office, according to The Workspace Revolution: Reaching The Tipping Point, a report from the International Workplace Group (IWG).
And it’s not just employees embracing remote work culture: Many companies are welcoming the trend, as they believe it helps their business grow and keeps them competitive.
“New technologies mean many of us can now work anytime, anywhere,” said IWG Group Managing Director Ian Hallett, who also serves as the firm’s global head of brands and ventures, in a news release about the study. “The challenge for businesses is how to optimize this new landscape. Companies are realizing the benefits of flexible working and its ability to increase productivity, job satisfaction, and business performance.”
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