Membership Hack: 30 in 30 Recruitment Drive
To commemorate its 75th anniversary, the National Association of Concessionaires recently launched a member-referral program to recruit 30 new members in 30 days. It’s part of a yearlong effort to get current members to become new member sponsors.
How to hack it? The National Association of Concessionaires (NAC) turns 75 this year, and to kick off the anniversary celebration, members have a chance to earn a special prize if they serve as a new member sponsor.
The recruitment campaign, called 30 in 30, is a challenge to get 30 new members to join in 30 days. Members who serve as sponsors receive an honorary pin, which will be awarded at high-profile industry gatherings.
NAC Executive Vice President Dan Borschke, FASAE, CAE, has high hopes for the membership drive. “We hope to blow that goal out of the water,” he says. “Really this is a first initial push on recruitment for the year ahead.”
Why does it work? The membership drive is designed to get members engaged and excited about recruitment. “We also tie it into and encourage members to make a resolution to recruit more in the new year,” Borschke says.
What’s the bonus? The NAC member who brings in the most members receives the Krystal La Reese-Gaule Membership Award. That prize includes a trophy, special recognition, and free registration to NAC’s Concession and Hospitality Expo.
(Stadtratte/iStock/Getty Images Plus)