Daily Buzz: Can Association Credentials Replace College?
In an age of student debt, many young professionals are turning away from college. That’s where association credentialing and certificate programs come in. Also: tech and the member journey.
As many young adults question the value of college, the credentialing and certification industry is stepping in to fill the gap as an affordable alternative to a four-year degree. For associations, this educational change opens up the opportunity to become a trusted professional resource.
“Associations are well positioned to help train new and experienced professionals throughout their careers,” says the WBT Systems team on its blog. “As employers look beyond degrees and seek to find employees who can demonstrate competencies, a digital badge, certification, certificate, or micro-credential becomes a valuable way for hiring managers to validate a job seeker’s skills.”
To become the standard education program in your industry, start with revisiting the requirements for your credentialing program. After all, you can’t become a resource to young professionals if your requirements exclude them.
From there, get the word out about the program. “Don’t only promote your credentialing programs to members,” the team says. “Expand your marketing to students, college and university career center staff, young professionals, and industry employers. Make sure they’re aware of your credentialing programs and understand the importance of these credentials for validating competencies.”
Tech’s Role in Membership
Evolving the member journey goes hand in hand with developing (or modernizing) a digital engagement strategy.#assnchat #assnprofs #membershiphttps://t.co/TS8L9AbO2t
— John H Baker, CAE (@JohnHBakerCAE) May 17, 2019
Digital transformation touches every aspect of an association, including membership.
“Your prospective members expect that your organization has transformed digitally, just like all the other companies and brands they interact with,” says Tom Lehman on the Higher Logic blog. “And what do they expect? An engaging experience with digital, personal touch points along the way. This change in the member’s journey requires a proactive, responsive, data-driven strategy so that you can engage each member at various levels of the funnel.”
Associations should continually evaluate their member journey to improve the experience. So, as your organization tweaks and refines its approach, invite conversations on how technology can streamline and benefit membership. It might be challenging, but in an evolving digital world, it’s also necessary.
Other Links of Note
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