Daily Buzz: Switch Up Your Media Outreach
Having trouble drumming up media buzz? Create your own. Also: the gender bias behind 10-point scales.
Every nonprofit has a story to tell. But getting media coverage for your association—well, it’s not always as easy as writing up a quick press release.
“Reporters want to tell great stories. The nonprofits that succeed in getting their stories told are the ones who make it easy for reporters to recognize those stories,” says media relations expert Peter Panepento on Nonprofit Marketing Guide.
For many organizations, that means leaving behind old media outreach tactics and adopting a new approach.
“One surefire way to get attention for your work is to publish the results of new research,” Panepento says. “While this might sound like it requires commissioning a study or survey, sometimes it is as simple as mining what you already have.”
Another idea: Host a briefing, with experts in tow for interviews. “These events can help you get an immediate bump in coverage—and they can sometimes lead to follow-up calls when reporters need experts at other times of the year.”
Remember that your association doesn’t always have to create its own spotlight, either. Pay attention to trends and current events, adding your voice to the conversation where you can.
Gender bias and the 10-Point Scale
Want to remove #genderbias from performances reviews? Try switching from a 10-point scale to a 6-point scale. @KelloggSchool #bias #performancereviews https://t.co/xqKwvBqwR9
— Karen Greenbaum (@KarenGreenbaum) September 4, 2019
On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective are you at your job? If you’re a woman working in a male-dominated field, others are likely to rate you lower than your male counterparts, according to a study from researchers Lauren Rivera and András Tilcsik.
“Research shows that, due to gender stereotypes of competence, we just don’t think women are perfect. We are more likely to scrutinize women and their performance,” Rivera said in an interview with Northwestern University’s Kellogg Insight.
The study looked at evaluation differences between male and female professors. On the 10-point scale, 31.4 percent of male instructors’ ratings were perfect 10s, but only 19.5 percent of female instructors received that score.
But give evaluators a 6-point scale instead of 10, and the dynamic shifts: Male and female instructors both received a perfect score of 6 at almost the same frequency, 41.2 percent for men and 41.7 percent for women.
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