Comings and Goings: Fall 2019
A roundup of new hires and other personnel moves in the association industry.
The American Heart Association appointed Emily Holubowich vice president of federal advocacy.
The National Grocers Association named Greg Ferrara its new CEO.
Savannah Schaefer has joined CompTIA’s advocacy team as senior director.
Maunda Land, CAE, was named chief member engagement officer at the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
The Endocrine Society welcomed Christopher Urena, CAE, as chief learning officer.
The American College of Cardiology welcomed Ranna Parekh as director of diversity and inclusion.
Visit San Jose welcomed Matthew Martinucci as vice president of sales and destination services.
Carla Rea DeFlorio, CAE, was named chapter relations director of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.
The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine promoted Mina Larson, CAE, to CEO.
The National Association for Gifted Children named John Segota, CAE, its new executive director.
Jennifer Garry was named membership director of the Enterprise Wireless Alliance.
The National Marine Manufacturers Association named Frank Hugelmeyer president.
Judy Cullen is the new managing director of partner development at Visit Salt Lake.
The International Game Developers Association named Renee Gittins its new CEO.
Kim Cooper joined the North American Millers’ Association as manager of government affairs.
The California Water Environment Association welcomed Jenn Jones, CAE, as executive director.
Daniel Garrett, CAE, has been appointed executive director/CEO at the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.
Karin Sand joined the Credit Union National Association as vice president of system provider relations.
Andy Herman has joined Event Marketing Partners as vice president of sponsorships and events.
Yvonne Wolf joined the National Restaurant Association as executive vice president of human resources.
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association named Patrick Hughes vice president of operations and strategy.
Higher Logic named James Willey chief product officer.
Clockwise from left: Maunda Land, CAE; Carla Rea DeFlorio, CAE; Andy Herman; Jenn Jones, CAE.