Membership Hack: Coworking Space for Members Only
The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council recently opened a flexible work space near its Boston headquarters. The space caters to members only for impromptu meetings or large-scale events.
How to hack it? Flexible work spaces are popular office trends with staying power, which is why the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council opened its own flex space for members. The MassBioHub, which opened last week, is located in Boston’s Kendall Square. It features a variety of configurations, including private meeting spaces, suites, and huddle areas, which the association offers for short-term use at below-market rates.
Why does it work? Boston is a growing hub for the life science industry, and the MassBioHub space defers some of the cost associated with a red-hot commercial real estate market.
“We know that event and meeting space to conduct business in Kendall Square and across greater Boston is at an all-time premium—rates are extremely high, and availability is limited, so we wanted to address this critical need for our members,” said Chief Operating Officer Kendalle Burlin O’Connell in a prepared statement.
What’s the bonus? Each space comes equipped with office concierge services, including hospitality and catering, plus state-of-the-art technology and equipment supported by an operations team.
(Handout photo)