Daily Buzz: Want Members to Watch Your Webinars? Get Creative
Put a new spin on the online format to attract a bigger audience. Also: how your digital devices can actually boost productivity.
Webinars are a great tool for associations to deliver relevant, helpful content to members without breaking the bank. And to make the most of them, you’ll want as many members as possible to attend. How do you drive registrations? Try a couple of out-of-the-box ideas, suggests MemberClicks’ Callie Walker.
Rebranding your webinar as a live event may attract more members—especially younger ones—as it will be seen as a more casual and interactive experience. “Think about how popular livestreaming is among millennials and Generation Zers. By tying your content offering to a format they’re familiar with and enjoy, you might actually garner more interest,” Walker says.
You can also incorporate an exclusive giveaway available only to those watching the webinar live. The giveaway could be something like a free event registration or a book signed by the presenter, Walker says.
While such out-of-the-box strategies are effective, Walkers points out that they should be used in addition to standard promotional techniques like emails and social media posts.
“Those tactics help get the word out there; these tactics help make the word intriguing,” Walker says of the two promotional styles.
Tech Can Fight Distraction, Too
Six simple tech hacks that will make you more productive https://t.co/tFl6423Ajs
— Fast Company (@FastCompany) February 10, 2020
With our constant use of electronics, it’s easy to lose focus at work. But the same devices that sap our productivity can help us get back on track, argues Michael Grothaus in Fast Company.
“Thankfully most of the smartphones and computers we use now also have built-in settings or additional apps that can help you reclaim your productivity so you can get back to using your devices for work,” he says.
For example, with parental controls, you don’t need to rely on willpower alone to avoid nonwork-related websites. If you’re using iOS, macOS, or Windows, you can block specific sites right from your device’s settings.
If notifications are pulling you away from work, turn on your device’s version of “do not disturb” mode. “Even if your friends keep texting or those social media sites keep pinging you, there’s no way you’ll get the distracting notification until your work is done,” Grothaus says.
Other Links of Note
Comeback stories. The Billhighway blog talks about two association chapters that were on the verge of failure but transformed themselves and found success.
A sobering trend. Alcohol-free events are becoming more popular, says Kaylee Hultgren in Event Marketer.
Is your organization suffering from a high turnover rate? Low pay might be the culprit, according to Forbes Nonprofit Council member Bill High.
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