Daily Buzz: For a More Fulfilling Career, Get a Hobby
Focusing on personal goals and aspirations can make you a better worker. Also: Prepare employees for remote work.
If you’re looking for more fulfillment in your career, develop interests outside of the job. Personal goals and hobbies will enrich your life, enhance your skills, and give you a sense of purpose, writes John Monarch, CEO of ShipChain Inc., in Entrepreneur.
“In today’s workaholic culture, many people worry personal goals are a waste of time—after all, a cool photograph isn’t going to get you that promotion,” Monarch says. “But the reality isn’t so black and white. Your personal goals don’t exist in a vacuum. They have the potential to lead you towards a happier, more fulfilling career and lifestyle.”
Creative pursuits outside of work, such as photography or playing an instrument, can provide perspective. Stressful times at work become easier to handle.
“A long, difficult day at work is much easier to handle if you feel like you’re making progress in other areas of your life,” Monarch says. “Your pursuits can provide a guiding light when nothing else seems to be going right.”
They can also keep you motivated. Setting “combination goals,” pursuits that benefit you personally and professionally, is a great way to keep improving yourself because they provide you with twice the motivation and potential for achievement, Monarch says.
“Your personal life and your work life aren’t completely separate. Just about everyone can set goals that are personal in nature but that also have an application in their career,” Monarch says.
Adapt to Remote Work
How to help individual and company members adapt to remote work | TopClass by WBT Systems https://t.co/yftD2edaCs #assnchat #remotework #assnprofs pic.twitter.com/fQwpriDQX7
— TopClass LMS (@TopClassLMS) March 11, 2020
As technology evolves, remote work has become more and more popular. (And in an era of coronavirus, necessary.) But for your organization to be successful, employees need to know how to thrive in this new work environment.
“A recent study found that remote workers and their managers say insufficient training is a big challenge. Employers are concerned about employee productivity, focus, and engagement,” a recent post in the WBT Systems blog says. “Your members would do better by having industry-specific education on the topic of remote working, both for managers/employers and individuals/remote workers.”
To educate your members, the WBT team suggests providing online courses, standalone modules, and webinars with roundtables for executives, HR teams, and supervisors of remote workers.
Other Links of Note
Want to improve your marketing performance? Focus on your workplace culture, writes Marketing Insider Group’s Michael Brenner.
If you need to switch from one two-factor authentication app to another, Lifehacker’s David Murphy breaks down how to make a smooth transition.
Looking to grow your nonprofit? Adopt these four mindsets to reach your goals, writes Matthew Forti in Stanford Social Innovation Review.