Daily Buzz: Ideas for Freshening Up Your Newsletter
How to make each version unique for members. Also: what to do when your organization’s strategic plan is suddenly outdated.
Members are always looking for fresh content, and newsletters are a great place to provide it. Instead of a cookie-cutter approach to every newsletter, take time to make each one unique.
“Sure, some of your content will need to be repeated month to month (your upcoming events and featured content, for example), but when time and space permit, why not try something new?” says Callie Walker of MemberClicks.
To keep your newsletter fresh, consider adding a section that changes every time, such as a “Tip of the Month” blurb that covers all corners of your association’s industry.
“This hits all three ‘content musts’ on the head: It’s valuable, easily scannable, and likely something you haven’t done before,” Walker says.
Tackling new questions straight from members can also provide value. Walker says to create a Q&A in a style similar to the advice column “Dear Abby.”
“Think of this like a mentorship, but for your entire membership. Encourage your members to submit questions (anonymously is fine), and then have someone from your staff—or an industry leader—address those questions.”
Though your newsletter should focus on your own organization, a recommendations section with links to other organizations and resources can provide more value to members. Walker suggests highlighting social media accounts to follow, industry blogs, apps, or books.
Change Your Nonprofit Plan in a Hurry
Quickly Revise Your Nonprofit’s Strategic Plan With These 3 Steps https://t.co/cCH0Mgz8hV via @bloomerangtech
— Jay B. Love (@JayBarclayLove) April 14, 2020
Things can change quickly, and suddenly your organization’s plan for success doesn’t look as relevant as it used to. In these moments, there are steps you can take to quickly revise your strategic plan, says Jarrett Ransom on the Bloomerang blog.
To find a new course of action, take time to review the internal and external factors that require changes to your strategy, and use that information to identify potential scenarios and develop contingency plans to help you stay on track toward reaching your goals.
Revising your strategic plan will help you adapt to a changing environment and create realistic goals, Ransom says.
Other Links of Note
If you’re going virtual with your events, there are still ways to attract sponsors, suggests Victoria Copans on the Event Manager Blog.
Are you a nonprofit professional? Nonprofit Tech for Good has identified 16 online job boards from around the world.
Ready to host a Twitter chat? A recent post from Sprout Social breaks down how to do it successfully.
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