Daily Buzz: What Makes a Successful Remote Internship Program?
Employers can still provide interns with a valuable experience even as they work from home. Also: Leaders can find success in a crisis by using both logic and emotion.
Want to offer a remote internship program? It’s not the same as in-person experience, but there are ways to deliver an effective remote program that benefits both the intern and the organization.
“If companies thoughtfully integrate a few key principles when designing remote internship programs, these interns will likely have highly meaningful experiences that could mimic, and in some cases even be better than, an in-person environment,” says Springboard cofounder and CEO Gautam Tambay on Fast Company.
First, companies must set clear expectations for their interns. They need to know exactly what projects they’ll be working on, what responsibilities they’ll have, and what deadlines they need to meet. “[A]lso introduce relevant stakeholders and tools, and be clear on how and to whom they should communicate in case they have questions or concerns,” Tambay says.
As interns work on projects, managers should offer mentorship and feedback. Share any tips and background information that you can, and be sure to schedule regular one-on-one sessions to discuss progress and areas that can improve.
“This will help interns stay motivated, achieve their goals, and feel that they are not operating in a vacuum. Keep the conversation going until you see quality results,” Tambay says. “But keep in mind that interns are there to learn, so don’t reprimand them for making mistakes.”
How Wise Leaders React to Uncertainty
"CEOs need to broaden the perspective of employees by explaining that their company doesn’t exist in a vacuum but is part of an interdependent whole." — @NaviRadjou and @PKaipa. https://t.co/cXNZXHwb4f
— MIT Sloan Management Review (@mitsmr) May 8, 2020
What makes a wise leader? One who doesn’t rely solely on survival instincts in a crisis. Instead, they use a combination of intuition, logic, and their emotions to respond appropriately, say Navi Radjou and Prasad Kaipa on the MIT Sloan Management Review.
“Endowed with an entrepreneurial mind, a social heart, and an ecological soul, wise leaders are best fit to build the agile, inclusive, and sustainable businesses of the 21st century,” Radjou and Kaipa say.
Other Links of Note
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