The Associations Making a Strong Equity Push
Pushing for equal pay by 2030; ending racial discrimination in real estate; removing barriers to women’s full participation in sports.
Closing the Pay Gap
Equity • American Association of University Women
Women who work full time take home about 82 cents for every dollar a male worker is paid. Unless things change, the pay gap will not close until 2093.
Looking to end the gender pay gap by 2030, the American Association of University Women has set out to train 10 million women to negotiate fair and equitable salaries and benefits.
“Men are more likely to negotiate than women 4 to 1. And so, when we empower women and teach them not just the confidence-building skills, but also the facts and their place in the market, it’ll help them continue to thrive,” says AAUW CEO Kimberly Churches. — Samantha Whitehorne
Leaving Bias at the Door
Equity • National Association of Realtors
Despite a rebound in the homeownership rate in the U.S., racial disparities persist, according to a study by the National Association of Realtors. And NAR says its members can be part of the solution.
NAR Director of Fair Housing Policy Bryan Greene says the association’s Fair Action Housing Plan “advocates for more effective state mechanisms to hold real estate professionals accountable for discrimination, provides brokers more tools to identify and ferret out any discrimination in their companies, and offers innovative training to help agents recognize and check unconscious bias that may enter into the housing transaction.” — Lisa Boylan
Athletic Equality
Equity • Women’s Sports Foundation
While nearly five decades have passed since Title IX forbade discrimination “on the basis of sex” in education and associated sports programs, girls and women still lag behind in participation in and access to sports.
The Women’s Sports Foundation wants to change that through its Equity Project, which aims to increase women’s participation in sports, sports policy, and sports leadership.
“A world with true gender equity is one where all girls and women have equitable access to sports and physical activity, and all the life-long benefits that come with it, to help unlock limitless possibilities in their lives,” says Olga Harvey, chief strategy and impact officer for WSF. — Rasheeda Childress
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