Daily Buzz: Feel Disorganized at Home? Redesign Your Remote Work Schedule
Give your routine more structure to thrive as you work from home. Also: Associations can offer experiences to nonmembers, too.
Shifting to remote work likely disrupted your well-established daily routine, causing you frequent stress. The newness of the environment may be a big reason why.
“A lot of the normal rhythms of life have been interrupted by starts, stops, and starts again,” says time management coach Elizabeth Grace Saunders in Fast Company. “In the midst of so much change, it’s easy to end up with an exceptionally disorganized work-from-home schedule.”
There are a few things you can try if you feel disjointed and anxious when working from home. Saunders recommends going to bed and waking up at the same times every day. Pick times that fit your schedule and then set daily alarms for bed and wake-up time.
“There’s enough in your schedule that you can’t predict, so it’s critical that you follow routines when you do have a choice,” Saunders says.
Once you’re up, start the morning off with a bit of “me” time: Relax with a cup of coffee, read for a few minutes, or take a short walk. No matter the activity, the point is to make yourself calm and centered so you can take on the day.
Just don’t let the workday go on too long. One of the biggest challenges employees have with remote work is creating clear boundaries between work and life. To combat this, designate a specific time where you stop working.
“To help with keeping yourself accountable to stopping, plan post-work activities such as a call with friends, dinner with your family, or working out. When you have a reason to stop, ending your workday is more compelling,” Saunders says.
Moving Beyond a Members-Only Model
Why a members-only model might be holding your association back https://t.co/4H5SYPyRmq pic.twitter.com/gGxhXV2w3H
— Sidecar (@sidecarglobal) August 21, 2020
Is your organization too exclusive? A walled garden approach where nonmembers can’t experience your association’s features are losing their appeal, argues a recent post from Association Success. An open garden strategy could attract more people while still driving new memberships.
“What if you adapted small portions of that paywalled content for the general public? With very little effort, you could support and educate a much larger audience,” says the Association Success team. “Over time, your association’s public content may even drive industry-wide conversations.”
Other Links of Note
How have nonprofits adapted to 2020’s challenges? In a recent post from Blue Avocado, organizations share their experiences.
Want to give employees a boost in tough times? Get them on the same page, suggests Quartz at Work’s Lila MacLellan.
The state of the event industry: MeetingsNet takes a look at key findings from a survey conducted by Meeting Professionals International.
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