Business: The Risk Management Association’s Approach To Taming Risk
RMA educates financial institutions about new and complex types of risk so they can assess risk accurately, lend securely, and help local businesses thrive.
Business • Risk Management Association
“No Bank Failures Recorded in 20 Years.” That’s the headline that Nancy Foster wants readers to see on The Wall Street Journal one day, brought about at least in part because her organization helped financial services professionals excel at managing risk.
Foster is president and CEO of the Risk Management Association, which has been ramping up its education and training activities to serve financial institutions that face a greatly diversified slate of risks, from traditional credit and market risks to new ones that past generations of bankers had no inkling of, like cyber risk. In addition to training, RMA provides underwriting tools and decision-making frameworks to help members make sound risk assessments.
“In the future, our members’ ability to assess and manage risk will bring stability to our global financial system and all the local and global environments they serve,” Foster says. “Simply put, more companies will be able to keep their lights on.”
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