To Make Smart Marketing Decisions, You Need a Tool That Gives You Reliable Data
Marketing pro Rachel Daeger breaks down a digital platform that transforms growth potential for associations of all sizes.
When you’re trying to reach a wider audience with a marketing campaign, sure, you can take the old approach of throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. But as anyone who has ever thrown a bunch of stuff at a wall knows, the results can be a big mess. Not to mention expensive.
What if instead of implementing a strategy that employs haphazard ideas mixed with wishful thinking, you tried a technological approach with a proven record of sticking to the wall and converting purchases?
That’s what Rachel Daeger, CAE, IOM, a director of communications and marketing at Raybourn Group International, was seeking. Her team’s goal was to boost the marketing efforts and increase the revenue of its trade and professional association clients. She needed something powerful that fit within the scope of organizations of any size. And she found it with association marketing platform Feathr.
“We first used Feathr with the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, which has a global membership, but very limited resources for marketing their events,” she explains. “Our first use of Feathr resulted in 49 conversions for in-person registration—an ROI of $11,260.”
The results were so immediate and undeniable that Daeger says Raybourn Group International now offers the platform to all of its clients. “At this point, Feathr is our primary marketing tool to target both members and non-members,” she says, citing its retargeting ability to be anywhere and everywhere potential attendees might be on the internet.
As much as you’d think (and hope) that association members would closely read every email an association sends regarding must-attend events and educational opportunities, the truth is they likely do not. To ensure you reach them about products and services you know they’ll want, you need to put time and resources into retargeting campaigns. And this is where the power of Feathr’s tech and marketing experts really shines. “They have been hand-in-hand with us from the beginning to make sure that we’re able to achieve our objectives—whether it’s how we structure the campaign, how we fund the campaigns or how we design our creative.”
But it’s not just about creating great-looking ads—t’s about making sure those ads are seen by the right audience. In the case of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, Daeger explains that before using Feathr, Raybourn would have invested significant time and resources researching local universities, local food councils, and the like. Then they would have hit them with postcard mailings and emails to gather enough data to create a successful marketing plan. “Feathr essentially eliminated all of that,” Daeger reports. “Using this technology, you can easily target ads to the specific type of person you want to reach, whether it’s based on their online search behavior, where they are located, or another factor you want to hone in on.”
And as any marketing professional knows, once your campaigns are out in the wild, it’s critical to track how they perform to make necessary adjustments. Feathr’s robust reporting tool allows Daeger to track which ads are flopping and which are actually resulting in purchases. “I know how many member versus non-member registrations came back through a campaign and the precise dollar amount associated with that conversion,” she explains. “This has been really important for us because our resources are limited. To make smart marketing decisions, you need reliable data.”
Feathr has thought of everything to help get associations up and running with digital advertising. Its dedicated flock of experts advises on unique revenue-generating campaigns and provides graphic design and implementation services to ensure successful marketing campaigns. Partnering with Feathr ensures your association’s success for years to come.